Quality and Reliable Hosting is Essential for SEO Positioning in 2022

29 Sep 22 | Digital Marketing, Web Hosting

Many times the mistake is made of hiring any hosting service that we see that may be fine. However, this is a key point for our website, since having quality hosting is essential in 2022. Our project can be affected to the point of NOT enjoying all the advantages of a good SEO positioning. Let’s see below why paying attention to hosting is something you should not neglect.

Many strategies are used to improve SEO positioning. Of course, the intention when developing a project and starting it up is to be visible to search engines as soon as possible. Next, optimized quality content is written, the keywords that we are going to use are analyzed, and everything is structured so that our SEO On Page is as clean as possible and obtains the best results in order to position and get quality traffic. To avoid undesirable surprises, there is something that must be attended to before all this, the hosting. And why can it become so important to have quality hosting for our website? We will detail some reasons that will surprise you.

Reasons why quality hosting is essential for SEO positioning

It is usually a step that goes unnoticed. We believe that all hosting is the same and will provide us with more or less the services we need. But first of all, it must be clarified that not all hosting companies are the same, and that making a good decision in this regard can save you a lot of effort and headaches.

There are those who spend a lot of money so that their website has an aesthetic design that stands out and attracts customers. However, all this effort and investment of money will not bear fruit if people do not have a way to find the web. Positioning in this aspect is essential, and having a good hosting helps us to achieve it. This important factor is often overlooked, although as we will see it is a critical aspect.

What characteristics must a quality hosting have?

First of all, let’s see what quality hosting looks like. There are many companies that are dedicated to offering you hosting for you to host your website. Through offers, these service providers manage to attract your attention and get you to hire their services. Before this happens to you, it is important that you pay attention to certain characteristics, which in some way will serve as indicators that the hosting you are going to hire is of quality.

Three factors that must be taken into account are those offered by a hosting that is already consolidated in the market, that is reliable and has good opinions, such as Site ground. These factors have to do with:

  • Security: that it has its own Anti-Hacking rules, and that your hosting is isolated from the rest of the server accounts, is a security guarantee that must be given due importance.
  • Speed: that it has SSD disks and Magic Cache so that we obtain maximum speed, and that the hosting is also from Spain and is specialized in web acceleration, is a guarantee of speed.

Technical support: This is another highly relevant aspect. We must make sure that the hosting we hire has a quality customer service, that is capable of dealing with our doubts and problems quickly and efficiently, with experts who clarify what we need and make things easier for us. .

Why is quality hosting important for our SEO positioning?

Faster loading times

A hosting that assures us a good speed will be able to offer us a better load of our blog or web page. It is proven that loading times are one of the indicators on which search engines like Google look when it comes to valuing one website more than another. This greatly influences the positioning. This is due, above all, to the fact that the users who visit your website will have a better experience, which will be an added value for them to repeat.

Activity time

A quality hosting can assure us and guarantee that our website is working uninterruptedly, without suffering crashes and interruptions that can make us lose visits, and worsen the experience of our users. Because nobody trusts a website that is constantly crashing and interrupting its services, since it is an indication of poor quality and little security. Our positioning will benefit if the hosting in which we host our project can guarantee us a stable service.

Location of the servers

Another factor that can have an impact on your SEO is this, the physical location where your hosting provider is located. You have to take a good look at what traffic you are targeting, and where you receive most of your visits from. If, for example, it is Spain, it will be convenient for you that the hosting is as close as possible to where your visits come from, either in Spain or at least in Europe, but not in the USA or South America. Since this guarantees your visitors a better loading time on your website, because the information will take less time to travel.


Undoubtedly, poor security on your website can harm your SEO ranking. If you have a hosting that offers you little security then your site is vulnerable to the attacks of any Hacker, spam pages and any other negative action with which they can annoy all your work. Something that Google seriously penalizes and which can seriously damage the image of your project. Even if your site ends up getting infected with malware, it will be blacklisted by search engines and you will immediately be excluded from getting organic traffic.

SSL Support

That you already have a connection on your website with the https protocol, which serves to protect your users’ data , is a measure that is already being implemented in most web projects, which Google also values ​​positively .

We work personally with hosting for all our projects, and we can say that they always solve our problems on time, in addition to offering us a hosting with practically unmatched characteristics for the price that these entail. If we have to recommend any hosting, this would be Site ground hosting.

And if you prefer to delegate the task of finding a good hosting to a Web design san Francisco that takes care of everything, you know that you can contact us and we will help you throughout the process of creating the website for your project or your business.

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